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SUV Accident

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The Rising Popularity Of SUV

SUVs keep rising in their usage in recent times. These vehicles are typically larger and heavier than standard cars and are known for their rugged, go-anywhere, do-anything capacity. 


While trends come and go, SUVs have appeared determined to stay. The comfort and convenience that are associated with driving SUVs are special. These cars offer a blend of luxury, power, and practicality.


Reach Out to SUV Accident Attorneys in Houston

Even though SUVs are luxurious and powerful, they are not immune to severe collisions. Due to their massive size, accidents that involve SUVs can be very serious. When this happens, it is important for the victim to know the right legal steps to take to pursue compensation claims.


This process can be daunting for most people. As a result, the assistance of a competent attorney can be invaluable. For this reason, you can reach out to us at Take That To Trial in Houston. We have the right team of attorneys to handle your case with dedication.

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Causes of SUV Accidents

SUVs are different from most other cars, thanks to their massive size, luxury, and aesthetics. There are instances when these vehicles are involved in accidents. Making a case against the liable party requires understanding the major causes of these accidents. These may range from bad weather to human error. Regardless, this section will discuss the most common causes of SUV accidents.

Distracted Driving

It is no strange news that SUVs offer a very high level of convenience, which is designed to boost the driving experience of their owners. Even though this is positive, too much comfort might render drivers complacent and ignorant of important details of the road. For instance, changing the music playlist for just a few seconds may result in losing focus on the road over a distance of a football field. A lot could go wrong over such a distance.


Besides this, SUVs are designed with top features, one of which allows drivers to make hands-free calls easily while driving. This is a level of comfort that encourages calling while driving. In some cases, making important calls behind the wheel can be so engrossing that some drivers may ignore traffic signs and laws on the road, which can cause severe accidents and injuries.


Some drivers simply lack the experience of driving even though handling SUVs is quite easy. Not knowing what different traffic signs mean implies that a driver can unintentionally neglect stops and laws that promote safe driving. An inexperienced driver may make decisions that could contribute to an SUV crash.


This represents one of the most common causes of SUV accidents. It is worth noting that SUVs are fast-moving cars and the level of comfort drivers enjoy inside these luxurious vehicles might tempt them to move at dangerously high speeds. When drivers speed, they have less time to react to sudden changes on the road. Regardless of the level of experience, speeding can cause SUV accidents.

Bad Weather Conditions

Sometimes, the weather conditions such as fog or rain can make driving even more difficult. In some cases, drivers may have their visibility significantly reduced as they travel. When a driver can't see what is right in front of them, the possibility of an accident happening rises significantly. This reduced visibility is even more pronounced when bright headlights are used in fog. For this reason, drivers are often enjoined to drive slowly or stop driving altogether in bad weather conditions.


This is even worse when drivers travel on bad roads without clear visibility caused by the weather. They may need to avoid potholes, and in doing so, they may change lanes abruptly, running into another vehicle, leading to an accident. 

Impaired Driving

An inebriated driver may have their judgment and decision-making impaired. When such a person is behind the wheel, their response to certain changes on the road may become too slow to avoid crashes. For this reason, driving while drinking is a criminal offense.


Impaired driving can cause the following:

  • Failure to yield by driver or cyclist

  • Bad reaction time to changes on the road

  • Blind spots

  • Inability to obey traffic signs

  • Moving at high speeds


When you are involved in SUV accidents, understanding the cause of the accident can help you build a strong case. At Take That To Trial, our attorneys will help you investigate what happened. This can help you pursue your compensation claim.

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What You Should Do After An Suv Accident

If you are injured in an SUV accident, understanding the right steps to take can help you secure the compensation you deserve. Keep reading to learn more about this.

Call the Police

The first step to take any time an SUV accident happens is to dial 911. This informs the ambulance service and the police of the event. It is important that the police investigate what happened in the collision. They ask questions from all parties involved, as well as witnesses. From there, they can create a police report, which highlights the details of what happened. Ensure you get a copy of this report. 

Gather Evidence

If you are a victim in the collision and you suffered an injury, then you deserve compensation for damages. To go about this, you need to gather relevant evidence that can help you build your case.


This could involve photos and videos of your injuries or damage done to the vehicle. Ensure that you keep the records and evidence safely since they can be valuable as you pursue your compensation claim.

Seek Medical Assistance

Regardless of the apparent severity of the injury you may have suffered during the collision, it is important that you seek medical assistance. Sometimes, the rush of adrenaline that follows the shock of the collision may mask the severity of your injuries.


By visiting a doctor, you can prevent any injuries from becoming worse. After all, your health and well-being are essential. Furthermore, seeking medical assistance will identify any injuries you may have suffered because of the collision.


This can help you during the negotiation process to get the maximum possible compensation you are entitled to.

​Hire a Lawyer

Seeking legal assistance is another important step you must never ignore. Don't be tempted to negotiate with an insurance company on your own. Remember, an attorney possesses the knowledge and skill to negotiate with an adjuster who may be unwilling to regard your claim.


The first offer you are presented with will most likely be significantly lower than the actual value of your compensation claim. By hiring a competent attorney, you stand a better chance of pursuing the compensation you deserve.


At Take That To Trial, our attorneys invest sufficient amounts of resources to investigate and gather enough evidence to help you receive the maximum compensation you are entitled to.


How Can an Attorney Help Your SUV Accident Case?

The serious injuries a victim can suffer during an SUV collision can change the course of their life. Regardless of the ripple effect these collisions can cause, demanding accountability from those at fault is very important. In this case, a Houston SUV accident attorney can help your case.


By reaching out to us at Take That To Trial, you can rely on advocates for victims of SUV accidents in Houston. Some of the ways through which an attorney can help your case are introduced as follows:

Insurance companies don't want you to employ a car accident attorney

It is worth noting that insurance companies are willing to undervalue your compensation claim while dismissing it as quickly as possible. For this reason, adjusters always want to ensure that the odds are stacked in their favor.


These companies are notorious for making lowball offers while doing all they can to force you to take them. These companies understand how the claims process works better than you do. An accident lawyer in Houston can eliminate any advantages these insurers may have by making the most of their negotiating power.

Experienced lawyers will protect you

Anytime an SUV collision occurs, there is always a liable party that takes responsibility. However, they won't do so willingly.  A common strategy many of them employ is pointing fingers and blaming the victims. Yet, by having a lawyer by your side, the party at fault will be easily identified while completely limiting the damage any blame game can do to your case.

An investigation is always important

To appropriately hold the liable party accountable for the collision, an investigation is often required. This ensures that detailed insight into what actually happened can be revealed. Be that as it may, doing so yourself can be quite daunting.


Yet, when you employ the service of top attorneys, you can rely on resources to help you carry out a comprehensive investigation to reveal what happened, boost your claim as a victim, and identify the liable party. This is what our top attorneys at Take That To Trial offer our clients.

The right legal counsel is invaluable

It is worth noting that you will face a lot of pressure to settle for less than you actually deserve. The first offer you are presented with by an insurance company is the lowest amount they can offer. After adjusters have a single job: forcing you to walk away with nothing or simply accept a settlement that is significantly less than what you are entitled to.


The insurance aims at making profits and anything less is not considered a victory. The insurer will be looking to take advantage of the stress, frustrations, and emotions you may be experiencing. They may even attempt to delay or debt your claim altogether. This may make your recovery more difficult. 


Our Houston SUV accident lawyer at Take That To Trial will be there to help you deal with them and steady the waters to ensure that you move forward on a path that gets you full compensation.


If another party is responsible for any injuries you may have suffered, even if it is partial, you deserve to be fully compensated. This is what our lawyers at Take That To Trial will help you achieve.


How Much Does It Cost To Hire An Attorney In Houston?

Oftentimes, SUV accident attorneys in Houston work on a contingency fee basis.  The ability to win cases determines the attorney's fee. In many cases, Houston attorneys regard this as a "no win, no fee" agreement.


This is how we serve our clients at Take That To Trial. With this contingency fee, we agree to handle your case in exchange for a percentage of the compensation you receive. That is, you only pay us when we win your case.


We are confident in helping you secure the maximum compensation you are entitled to for your Houston SUV accident injuries and damages. As a result, we are confident of getting you the result you desire.

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What is a Houston SUV Accident Case Worth?

It can be very challenging to value a case, especially in the early stages of the process. It should be noted that every Houston SUV accident case is unique. However, it is important to be aware of certain questions, which can help provide insight into the value of your case:

  • How severe were your SUV accident injuries?

  • Will you be able to recover fully?

  • Did any pre-existing conditions get worse as a result of the car wreck?

  • How long will it take to reach maximum medical improvement?

  • Can you go back to work right away, or will you have to take time off?

  • Will your injuries affect your ability to work and generate an income in the future?

  • Were there any costly expenses that resulted from your car crash? If so, what are they?

  • Can your car be repaired, or does it have to be replaced?

  • What type of trauma are you suffering from due to the car crash?

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The greater the severity of your injuries, the greater the impact on your possible compensation claim.

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Why You Should Hire a Lawyer Quickly

It is important to employ a Houston SUV accident attorney as quickly as possible after a collision. These are the reasons:

The sooner your attorney can investigate, the better: Always remember that memories of witnesses will fade. Evidence can fade or disappear altogether over a specific period. If your attorney is able to visit the accident scene with experts like accident reconstructionists to better understand what happened.

You should focus more on getting better, rather than handling lawsuits all by yourself:  There can be no denying that SUV collisions can result in severe injuries. For this reason, it is important for you to ensure that you focus more on your emotional well-being and physical recovery. You should allow your lawyer to handle insurance claims, deadlines, court filings, and complex legal issues.

It won’t cost you more to hire an attorney early: Even though many people think hiring an attorney can be unaffordable, that is completely false. SUV accident attorneys are only paid contingency fees. This implies that they are only paid based on results. This is how we work at Take That To Trial. We only receive payments once we have won the case.


For these reasons, the various benefits of hiring an attorney far outweigh the potential downsides. We offer free consultation and our attorneys are always available to respond to your questions at all times.


Speak to Our Houston SUV Accident Attorneys For a Free Consultation

You may probably feel overwhelmed and quite nervous if you have suffered an injury in an SUV accident. For this reason, you need all the legal help you can get to seek compensation. With this in mind, our top attorneys at Take That To Trial understand what you are feeling and what you may be going through. We are here to help you.


Anytime you call our office, our lawyers will listen to you as they try to understand your situation. We understand that each situation is unique and demands a special approach to effectively pursue a compensation claim. Even though nothing can be done to undo what has happened to you, we can guide you through the compensation claims process. This will help you get the medical treatment you need to get back on your feet.


We also make use of resources to help you figure out what happened in the crash and all you need to do to get the settlement you need. Our attorneys will ask you several questions as they walk you through the process. We also explain every aspect of the process to you. We help you make the best decision and how you can move forward after such collisions. We have been recognized at Take That To Trial as one of the top personal injury law firms in Houston, Texas.


With this, we have helped numerous individuals with their car accident claims. We have won millions of dollars in settlements on behalf of our clients. Our attorneys are available at all times to answer any questions you may have while informing you of any updates.


We are licensed with the State Bar of Texas, U.S. Southern and Eastern District Courts, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.  We deeply care about our clients and we are not afraid to take the fight to big companies and insurance companies in trial courts across Texas. Rest assured that we will work hard to get you every dollar you deserve.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Should I seek medical attention even if I don’t think I have been injured?

Ans: It is very important to seek medical assistance right after an SUV accident. After all, some injuries might be more severe than they appear to be. Furthermore, with a medical record, you can appropriately document any injuries you may have suffered due to the negligence of a driver. All of these can help you build a strong case as you pursue a compensation claim.

2. What types of damages may I qualify for?

Ans: The types of damages a victim may be eligible for can range. Yet, they are typically classified into two: economic and non-economic damages. Some examples of damages you can pursue include damage, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. You stand a better chance of pursuing these compensation claims by hiring a competent attorney.

3. What should I do if the driver fled the scene?

Ans: It is very important for a liable driver to remain at the scene of an accident and wait until the police arrive. Even though some try to flee the scene, it is a capital offense to do so. If you are involved in a hit-and-run accident, make sure you write down any details you recall about the vehicle and the driver. If you can take a photo of the driver or the license plate of their vehicle, you should do so. A police report should also be filed as law enforcement may be able to find the other person involved in the crash.

4. How long do I have to file a claim?

Ans: According to Texas laws, if you are a victim of an SUV accident and you suffered an injury, you have two years to file a lawsuit in court. Once the time limit is exhausted, you cannot pursue a compensation claim anymore. This is why it is important to reach out to an attorney as fast as possible since negotiation can take time.

5. If I was the passenger in an auto accident, can I still make a claim?

Ans: As a passenger in a serious car collision, you have your rights. Whether it is negotiating compensation with an insurance company, filing a claim against an insurance company for failing to provide adequate compensation for your injuries or filing a lawsuit against the negligent driver that caused your injuries, as a passenger, you may still be eligible to make a claim.

6. What should I do after an accident?

Ans: The first course of action to take is to step away from the scene if you can. Call 911 to report the accident. Once the police officer gets to the scene, they ask questions to make an official police report of what happened. It is important to be able to recall the details of how the collision happened. Then, seek medical attention as fast as possible. You can also gather evidence to support your compensation claim. By hiring an attorney you can build a stronger claim.

7. How can a lawyer help me?

Ans: An attorney can assume various responsibilities, including investigating your claim and gathering evidence and witness testimonies. They can also help you file a compensation claim or lawsuit on your behalf. By hiring our attorneys at Take That To Trial, we can help you pursue a compensation claim.

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