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Sexual Assault And Abuse

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Houston Sexual Abuse Lawyers

Sexual abuse is one of the most serious crimes across the globe. Statistics by the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that nearly 1 in 3 women will experience sexual violence in their lifetime. 7% of those women have experienced rape or attempted rape. It has also been reported that approximately one in six men were sexually abused as children.


It is no strange news that sexual abuse often leaves victims with trauma, which no one deserves to experience. It deprives the victims of the feeling of safety while leaving them with little faith in the justice system. There are numerous sexual harassment cases that have been reported in places where the abuse victims should have felt safe and protected.


Many organizations often fail to offer those placed in their protection proper care and safety from sexual abuse and assault. Indeed, some establishments even help cover for those who actually committed these hideous crimes. Calls for more legal actions against sexual abusers are gradually becoming prevalent among concerned individuals.


Our Houston sex abuse attorneys at Take That To Trial understand what survivors of sexual assault and abuse are going through. We also believe that any institutions and individuals found guilty of hideous emotional, physical, and psychological harm should be held liable, publicly exposed, and made to pay for the damage their actions have caused. 


At Take That To Trial, we stand with survivors of sexual abuse. We are not scared to take the fight to big organizations to hold the responsible party liable for their actions. We are available at all times to listen to questions. We also provide all legal options that these survivors can explore.


Prevalence of Sexual Assaults and Abuse: Facts and Statistics

Sexual assaults and abuse are quite prevalent across the globe. The impact on society is nothing short of devastating. To fully understand its impact, it is important to learn more about the stats and facts behind sexual assaults and abuse. These are introduced in this section.

  • According to Child Protective Services agencies, strong evidence was found to indicate that, 57,329 children were victims of sexual abuse

  • One in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys under the age of 18 experience sexual abuse or assault

  • 82% of all victims under 18 are female.

  • Females aged 16 to 19 are four times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault

  • Out of the sexual abuse cases reported to CPS in 2013, 47,000 men and 5,000 women were the alleged perpetrators.

  • In 88% of the sexual abuse claims that CPS substantiates or finds supporting evidence of, the perpetrator is male. In 9% of cases, they are female, and 3% are unknown

  • 90% of adult rape victims are female.

  • 41% of sexual assaults against Native Indians are committed by a stranger.

  • Adolescents aged between 14 to 17 were by far the most likely to be sexually victimized. Nearly one in six (16.3%) was sexually victimized in the past year.

  • In 2019, over 652,676 women were raped.

  • Nearly 80% of female sexual assault victims experience their first assault before the age of 25

  • Around 20% of American males have been victims of sexual violence.

  • A quarter of male victims of sexual assault were under 10 years of age.

  • 7.2% of all children surveyed in 2019 had been victims of sexual assault.

  • Approximately 70 women commit suicide every day in the US following an act of sexual violence

  • In 2019, 13% of all women in California were victims of rape.

  • Over 1.5 million women were raped by an intimate partner in 2019.

  • Approximately 16% of males in juvenile prisons have been sexually abused.

  • In Florida alone, a staggering total of 1,477,000 men have been victims of sexual assault.

  • Over 25% of male sexual assault victims will experience their first assault before 10 years of age.

  • New York statistics show that 18% of all rapes in the city involved a male victim.

  • Sexual assaults cost the US billions of dollars annually.

  • 69% of rape victims in the US are women aged between 12 to 34 years old.

  • An American is sexually assaulted every 93 seconds.

  • For every 1000 rapes in the US, 995 perpetrators will go unpunished.


Types of Sexual Assaults

Sexual violence is a term that is used to describe any sexual activity that happened without consent. This may include rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment.


Rape is often described as unwanted or forced 'sex'. In general, sex is only legal when everyone consents. Once there is no consent, then it is no longer sex - it's rape. Regardless of the circumstances, rape happens when someone didn't agree with the other party to have sex or did not give their consent for sex to happen.


This form of sexual crime is serious. In fact, it is worth noting that it carries the same maximum sentence as murder. No one deserves to be raped. The entire blame should lie with the perpetrator or perpetrators. Be that as it may, it is so sad that a lot of myths regarding rape can make victims and survivors of these hideous crimes feel as though they are the guilty party.


Organizations may even gaslight victims and make them feel like what happened to them was never a 'real' rape. It is not uncommon for people to find themselves unable to move or speak when they are experiencing rape. This represents the body's automatic responses to traumatic events.


Whether a crime can be considered rape or not has nothing to do with the manner in which a victim or survivor responds to the incident or how they behave at any point. This has nothing to do with how the victim interacted with the perpetrator or what the survivor was wearing. 


This also has nothing to do with feelings of arousal felt by the perpetrators or if they are married to them. Generally, if there was no consent then it was rape.

Sexual Assaults

Sexual assault occurs anytime someone touches another person without their consent in a sexual manner. This can also occur when a person forces another person to engage in sexual activity with them without the person's consent. It also includes unsolicited kissing and sexual touching.


Sexual assault is regarded as many numerous forms of sexual violence. The phrase is generally used to describe any sexual activity that occurred without consent. Sexual assault is a serious crime that can leave a significant impact on victims. No one can ever ask to be sexually assaulted. For this reason, the entire blame should lie with the perpetrator.


There are several reports of sexual assaults in the news. Yet, you will find many people who have no idea what it really means. According to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, sexual assault is committed if the following occurs:

  • The touching is sexual.

  • They intentionally touch another person.

  • There is no consent by the other person to the touching.

  • They do not reasonably believe that the other person consents.

  • The touching can be with any part of the body or with anything else.


This could also include:

  • Attempted rape

  • Kissing

  • Touching someone’s breasts or genitals – including through clothing.

  • Touching any other part of the body for sexual pleasure or in a sexual manner – for example, stroking someone’s thigh or rubbing their back.

  • Pressing up against another person for sexual pleasure.

  • Pressuring, manipulating, or scaring someone into performing a sexual act on the perpetrator.

  • Touching someone’s clothing is done for sexual pleasure or in a sexual manner – for example, lifting someone’s skirt.

Child sexual abuse

Child sexual abuse is regarded as a sexual activity that occurs to a person who is not yet 18 years of age. It is always unwanted and involves manipulation, pressure, intimidation, bullying, deception, threats, or force.


Simply put, child sexual abuse is regarded as any kind of sexual activity that children or young people under the age of 18 sustain, usually without their consent.


Some characteristics of child sexual abuse include the following:

  • Child sexual abuse involves sexual activity that involves physical contact. For instance, masturbation, rape, rubbing, kissing, and touching on top of clothes.

  • Child abuse can also involve sexual activity where no physical contact exists. For instance, taking sexual photos or videos of children,  or young people, or involving them in looking at sexual images or watching sexual activity.

  • The abuse happens in person, online, or over the phone

  • The abuse is carried out by an adult or by another child or young person.

  • The abuse involves the child or young person being given money or anything that they want or need 'in return'. This is regarded as child sexual exploitation.

Indecent exposure

Also regarded as flashing, indecent exposure occurs anytime a person shows their genitals. Sometimes, someone may do that to upset other people. When indecent exposure is done on the internet, this is regarded as "cyber flashing".


Indecent exposure represents a kind of sexual violence, even if there is no physical contact between the victim and the perpetrator. In many cases, people regard indecent exposure as something funny. Indecent exposure can make victims feel unsafe or unprotected since it can be scary and upsetting. This can cause a long-term effect on their safety and well-being.


Again, no one asks for indecent exposure to happen to them. The perpetrator is entirely liable for the crime. You might have heard of people being flashed in parks, on public transport, and the street. Be that as it may, it can happen anytime and anywhere.


According to the Sexual Offences Act 2003, indecent exposure has been defined as an instance where someone commits exposure if they intentionally expose their genitals and intend that someone will see them and cause alarm or distress.

Assault by penetration

If anyone penetrates someone else's vagina or anus with a part of the body that is not a penis or another object. It is regarded as "assault by penetration" without the victim's consent.


For instance, a penetration that involves putting fingers inside someone else's vagina without their consent is also called assault by penetration. It can also be regarded as digital rape. Many people often experience non-consensual penetration with anything other than a penis. Regardless of the type, all types of sexual assault attract the same sentences.

were can sexual assults take

Where Can Sexual Assaults Take Place?

Multiple parties may be held liable in sexual assault cases. A lawsuit may be filed against a perpetrator of sexual assaults. Besides this, victims can also sue any third party whose wrongdoings or negligence allowed the sexual assault to take place.


Sexual assaults can occur anywhere and anytime. This is even the case when children are the victims of these hideous crimes, especially when the perpetrators are people the victims trust. 


Some common places where sexual assaults can take place include:

  • Places of employment

  • Primary and secondary schools

  • High school campuses

  • Nursing homes

  • Hospitals

  • Child care facilities

  • Universities, colleges, and institutions

  • Churches

  • Hotels

  • Parking garages

  • Parks

  • Rehabilitation centers


If you are a victim of a sexual assault, don't hesitate to reach out to our top attorneys at Take That To Trial. You can schedule a free consultation with us. We will answer all your questions and present you with the legal options you can explore.

sexusal assaults in collages

Sexual Assaults in Colleges

Sexual violence has devastating impacts on millions of people in the United States each year. This is also the case among college students and the risk of sexual assault on campus remains high.


According to the 2019 Campus Climate Survey by the Association of American Universities, it was reported that an overall 13% rate of nonconsensual sexual contact occurred at colleges in the United States. About 1 in 4 undergraduate women were reportedly experiencing nonconsensual sexual contact since enrolling in school.


There are safety risks on and around the campus premises. With this in mind, college students should understand the meaning of sexual assault and violence. They should also know their rights in the case of assault while familiarizing themselves with educational resources on the topic of campus sexual assault.


At Take That To Trial, we have competent attorneys that will explain to you your rights and all you need to know about sexual assaults. We will also explain to you the different legal options you can explore.

institutions can ultmately be

Institutions Can Ultimately be Held Responsible for Systemic Sexual Abuse

Sexual assault represents one of the most underrated and underreported violent crimes across the United States. The fear of reprisal, shame, and fear of being unjustly discredited in public often leave survivors reluctant to report their assault. Sometimes, members of an organization may commit sexual assault. To keep their reputation unsullied, the pressure to remain silent is even greater.


Sadly, only a few perpetrators of sexual abuse are ever brought to justice and punished accordingly. Be that as it may, you don't need to wait for the state to file a criminal case against the offender before you file a lawsuit against the institution that allowed you to suffer the unthinkable due to their negligence.


According to the law, institutions are held responsible for employing those who pose a significant risk to other workers in their care. A member of a company must not use their position or knowledge to sexually abuse a subordinate. If that happens, the organization and perpetrator may be held liable in civil court. This is especially the case if the company is aware of a history of abuse that they neglected and fail to warn the victim about.

consequencesof long

Consequences of Long-term Sexual Assaults

Many reactions are common among victims of sexual violence. It is worth stressing that not all survivors of sexual violence are the same. Besides this, any act of sexual violence will affect two people in different ways. There is never a wrong or right way to react or feel. The mind and body process the devastating effect of sexual violence so much that physical responses start manifesting. Some of these include:


Survivors may start thinking they are bad, wrong, dirty, or permanently flawed.


Survivors may even feel that the abuse was their fault. Some may ascribe the abuse to the way they walk, talk, or dress. Some survivors may find it difficult to place blame on the perpetrator who assaulted them. The offender may be someone close to them they simply wish to protect.


The sense of safety of the survivor has been altered. It is even possible that they assess unsafe situations as safe while perceiving safe situations as dangerous. It is important to talk to a survivor about what makes them feel safe by asking certain questions.


Survivors may even deny the full extent of the abuse. Some may even falsely exaggerate their independence and mental strength.


This is regarded as a coping mechanism. This might also involve survivors thinking that their abuse was not as bad as someone else's. It is important for those supporting a survivor to validate the effect of the abuse. They should also acknowledge the trauma, sadness, and emotional distress survivors may be experiencing.


Sexual assault represents a betrayal of trust. It is not uncommon for most survivors to find it difficult or impossible to trust other people. They even find it hard to trust themselves and their own perceptions. However, they may place a wrong level of trust in different people.


Since sexual violence significantly involves a boundary violation, its impacts on how the survivor perceives when or how to set boundaries. Survivors may become unfamiliar with how boundaries work. They may not know that they have a right to create and implement them.


Forgetfulness may be a natural reaction for survivors of these bad crimes. This may be a coping mechanism for many people. 


This is often common among adult survivors. Some survivors may even feel that they do not deserve support. Many feel that they are tainted while others will not want to be their friends or lovers. A survivor's culture and (lack of) community connections can contribute to feelings of isolation.


It is possible for a survivor to have dissociated during the sexual assault incident. They may start looking over their shoulders. This happens after the survivor has been assaulted. Memories can give rise to emotions that can trigger dissociation.


Victims may feel betrayed by their own bodies since the sexual abuse took place in the body. They may even numb their bodies not to experience the feelings that arose due to the abuse. Survivors may even seek out experiences that can offer more intense sensations physically, including self-injury.

Emotional distress

Survivors may experience different kinds of emotional distress. This could include depression, grief, denial, sadness, anger, and more.


Speak to a Competent Sexual Assault and Abuse Lawyer in Houston

Sexual abuse and assault have a devastating impact on victims. This may even have a long-lasting effect on survivors. Recovery may become much more difficult as a result. If you are a victim of these hideous crimes, then it is important that you pursue a compensation claim or file a lawsuit against the perpetrator.


The damages you can pursue compensation for may be economic (medical bills and lost wages) or non-economic (pain and suffering, depression, denial, grief, anger, and more). However, you need to act as fast as you can to seek justice. Don't be scared to come out to expose the perpetrator.


At Take That To Trial, our lawyers will guide you and discuss the legal options you can explore. We stand with you and we will invest all our effort in bringing perpetrators of sexual abuse to justice. You can schedule a free consultation with our top attorneys. You can reach us via:


You can reach us at all times via:




Ph: (832) 770-6100


Fax: (832) 426-5798


You can visit us at 1401 Cleburne St,


Houston, Texas 77004


We can't wait to hear from you!

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