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Slip And Fall

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Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys in Houston

Slip and fall accidents can occur very fast. However, injuries suffered from these accidents can last a long time. You may end up not being able to walk properly or perform the things you once took for granted. To make matters worse, the accident and injury may have occurred due to the negligence of the property owner.


Has someone else's negligence caused you serious injuries in a slip and fall accident? If so, you need to pursue compensation for any damages. You can reach out to us at Take That To Trial for a free consultation. Our attorneys are well-versed in all it takes to help you receive the compensation claim you are entitled to.


We will help you hold a negligent property owner liable for your slip and fall accident in Houston while helping you get the money you deserve. Our lawyers have more than two decades of combined legal experience. We have recovered millions for injured victims of slip and fall accidents. We are here to assist you!

the mst common cause of slips

The Most Common Causes of Slips and Falls

Millions of people often are rushed to the emergency room every year as a result of slip or fall accidents. The impacts of these accidents may vary, from bruises and bumps to broken bones. Yet, some may be even fatal. Be that as it may, most of these accidents are preventable.


Some of the most common causes of slip and falls accident can be surprising to many people. However, this only reflects how easy it is to prevent them from happening.

Wet and Uneven Surfaces

This represents the most common cause of slip and fall accidents across the globe. It can be dangerous to walk when the following circumstances are present:

  • Cluttered floors

  • Loose floorboards

  • Defective sidewalks

  • Torn carpeting

  • Parking lot potholes

  • Loose mats

  • Poorly constructed staircases

  • Recently waxed or mopped floors

  • Moisture collection


It must be stressed that these aforementioned causes are all common occurrences in commercial, domestic, industrial, and public places. For this reason, these accidents are so common. It behooves everyone to try as much as they can to prevent these accidents.


Ensuring that a floor is kept uncluttered should be what everyone strives to do. Good housekeeping is essential and regular checks should be carried out to make sure that surfaces are kept safe. Once an issue is identified, it should be properly fixed. Proper maintenance is essential.

Weather Conditions

Controlling the weather is completely impossible. Even though poor weather has resulted in a great number of slip and fall accidents, it is important to engage in various winter safety procedures. Yet, dangers do not necessarily rely on wintery weather to happen.


Property owners are legally responsible for plowing streets, shoveling sidewalks, and other procedures that can help prevent slip and fall accidents. If they ignore this and someone gets injured, the victims have the right to hold them liable and pursue a slip and fall compensation claim. 

Improper Training

Slips and falls often occur in the workplace, especially in the construction industry. Oftentimes, this may be a direct result of improper training. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has created a fact sheet that reveals how easy it is to prevent slip and fall accidents at work, as well as other precautionary measures that can promote safety. A key element in this is training. 


It must be noted that workers in high-risk industries must undergo the right training on how to make use of the tools and equipment required for the job. Furthermore, the job should be well-planned and workers should ensure that they have the tools needed to remain safe. When employers fail to do any of these, they can be held liable for damages.

Nursing Home Neglect

A disturbing fact is that one of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents is due to nursing home neglect. Elderly people have a significantly reduced sense of balance, exposing them to an increased risk of falling. Based on statistics by the CDC, one in three people over the age of 65 falls each year.


Sadly, the chances of suffering a life-threatening injury are also significantly increased. They often lead to hip fractures. It is a very worrying statistic that reflects the fact that many administrators and aids in nursing homes do not assist and monitor their residents properly. For this reason, it is one of the most likely places for a slip and fall accident to happen.


Based on the statistics by the National Floor Safety Institute, about 25% of all slips and falls are a result of improper footwear. This does not imply that people who wear six-inch heels are the only ones at risk. After all, work boots and sneakers are not without their own risks. A big risk is presented when footwear is not the right fit to provide the right type of traction. This can result in slips and falls, which are not restricted to work but also at home or even in public.


This also boasts certain surprising statistics. Be that as it may, according to the National Floor Safety Institute, about 3% of cases related to slip and fall accidents are fraudulent. Sometimes, this may be due to the fact that everything has been set to facilitate a slip and fall.


 For example, someone may spill oil in a grocery store intentionally and slip on it. As a result, they may seek damages for an injury from a party that is not responsible for it. There are instances when some people may have suffered an injury at home. Yet, they would claim it actually occurred at work. Some may even claim a slip and fall - which never happened - had occurred.


It is worth noting that most of the slip and fall accidents are preventable when there is proper attention and care. Oftentimes, paying good attention and being careful is never expensive. After all, when compared to the possibility of an injury, observing the appropriate precautions is a better option to embrace.

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What are the Consequences of Slip and Fall Accidents?

Slips and falls can result in serious injuries and pain. According to statistics by the National Safety Council (NSC), almost 33% of all preventable nonfatal injuries in 2018 resulted from falls. Besides this, nearly 150,000 workers missed time from their job after slip and fall accidents.


A fall could be life-threatening or even change your entire life. This is especially true for older adults ages 65 and over. Based on statistics by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five falls has resulted in serious injury to an older person, including head trauma or broken bones. More than 90% of hip fractures are caused by falls.


A hip fracture could result in life-threatening complications for old people. Based on reports by the Mayo Clinic, a broken hip typically requires major surgery and extensive physiotherapy. A victim of a slip and fall accident may have to contend with expensive medical bills, as well as lost income, which could result from missing work for an extended time period.


Falls can result in other serious injuries, including:

  • Bone fractures

  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis

  • Traumatic brain injury and other head injuries

  • Soft tissue injuries

  • Sprained and strained muscles

  • Joint dislocations


Did you suffer any injuries in a slip and fall accident? If so, ensure that you seek medical attention as soon as possible, regardless of the severity of the injury. While some injuries manifest instantly, some take a while to become apparent.


Furthermore, by having a medical report that documents your accident-related injuries, you can rely on the essential evidence you need if you eventually intend to hold a property owner liable for your damages.


If your pain and medical bills are caused by someone else, they should compensate you. With this in mind, you need the competence of a top Houston slip and fall attorney to help you get the money you deserve for your recovery. 

hw to prov a slip

How to Prove a Slip and Fall Case in Houston

If you suffered injuries and financial damages due to a fall, you should seek a top slip and fall attorney in Houston to explore your legal options. Yet, you must be able to prove that a property owner or someone else negligently caused your accident and injury. It can be complicated to prove negligence.


However, our lawyers at Take That To Trial are well-versed in doing all it takes to establish liability and negligence. We will help you build your case against the guilty party. To prove a slip and fall case, you must be able to show the following:

Duty of care

If you are at work or on someone else's property, it is important for your employer or the property owner to provide a safe environment that can reduce the possibility of a slip and fall accident. If they fail to do so, you may hold them responsible for any injuries suffered.

Breaches their duty of care

You can show that they breached their duty of care by proving negligence. You must show that you suffered significant harm as a result of their negligence. There should be facilities in place that prevent a slip and fall accident, which were never available.

You suffered harm due to their negligence

This is where having your medical reports and medical bills can prove essential. These will show the injuries you suffered after proper diagnosis as a result of another party's negligence. This will make you entitled to compensation


However, it should be noted that proving negligence in your slip and fall case can be challenging. A defendant might argue that you had some fault in the accident. They may even argue that you behaved in a way that either contributed to the slip and fall accident or caused it.

what compensation

What compensation can you expect?

If you are able to prove a defendant’s negligence, there is a possibility of receiving compensation for different types of damages:

  • Medical bills

  • Property damage

  • Lost wages

  • Pain and suffering


These damages can either be economic (quantifiable with a value) or non-economic (non-quantifiable). By hiring our experienced slip and fall attorney at Take That To Trial, we can advise you on any damages you could pursue while helping you gather the strong evidence you need to build a case against a negligent party.

wht shuld i do after my slip

What should I do after my slip and fall accident?

If you or a family member have been injured in a slip and fall accident, taking the following steps is strongly recommended:

Examine yourself medically

The first step to take after a slip and fall accident is to get yourself checked up by a doctor. There are various reasons behind this. First, you need to know the extent of your injuries to prevent complications. Some injuries may take days or even weeks before they start manifesting.


Furthermore, visiting a doctor will get you a medical report and medical bills, which can prove that you actually went to seek medical assistance. This is strong evidence that shows that you actually suffered a slip and fall injury. With this, you can get the full compensation you are entitled to.

Take pictures of the place where you fell, if possible

The importance of gathering as much evidence as you cannot be stressed enough. This includes taking photos of where the accident occurred. You can also take a picture of any injuries you may have suffered. These are all important during negotiation or a trial in court.

Don’t talk to the property owner about your accident.

One of the most important mistakes you must avoid is speaking to the property owner or someone else about what happened to you in a slip and fall accident. You should always remember that a guilty party - and their insurance company - will never be willing to admit liability. So, they may be looking for errors from you.


Anything you say or do may be used against you when you intend to pursue a compensation claim for your slip and fall injury. Indeed, saying the wrong things to the guilty party may be used by an insurance company to reject your slip and fall claim.


Similarly, don't be tempted to post any details on social media. This is another way you can say the wrong things or post something you should not, which may then be used against you to deny your compensation claim. Always remember that the insurance company is actively investigating your case, looking for reasons not to pay you enough.

Reach out to a competent attorney

If you wish to pursue a compensation claim for your slip and fall injury, you should never attempt to do so by yourself. First, taking up such a burden on yourself after a nasty fall can be too much for you to handle.


Secondly, you need to rely on the experience of a competent slip and fall attorney to do all they can to get the compensation you deserve for your quick recovery. The negotiation skills of the lawyer will always come to the fore when you deal with an insurance company.


This is what we offer at Take That To Trial. We are never scared to take the fight to big insurance companies to get our clients the compensation they deserve. Our records speak for themselves. We also understand how sensitive your case can be, particularly if you know the property owner so well. We listen to you and explain all your legal options.

seak to us

Speak to us at Take That To Trial Now!

Any Houston resident who has suffered an injury on someone else’s property should reach out to our experienced Houston slip and fall accident attorneys. We are devoted to helping injured people find solutions to their numerous problems.


We also want to help you figure out who the liable party is. You don't have to pay the price for someone else's negligence. It behooves property owners to keep their property safe. However, if they don't and someone else gets injured, they can be held liable. That is why anyone, whose negligence caused your accident, should be held responsible.


We understand how the legal system works at Take That To Trial. For this reason, we help you stand a good chance of getting the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries. All you need to do is take the first step of reaching out. Get in touch with a slip and fall attorney at Take That To Trial to arrange for a free consultation


At Take That To Trial, we advocate relentlessly on behalf of our slip and fall injury victims, as well as their families. We treat each case uniquely, depending on the wishes of our clients. We have more than 20 years of combined legal experience. There are no upfront fees. As a result, you only pay us once we have won your case for you. You can reach out to us via:




Ph: (832) 770-6100


Fax: (832) 426-5798


You can visit us at 1401 Cleburne St,


Houston, Texas 77004


We can't wait to hear from you!

frequentlyasked questins

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the main causes of slip and fall accidents

Ans:  Slip and fall accidents can be very serious. For this reason, it is important to learn about some of the causes of such accidents. The most common causes of these accidents include:

  • Weather surfaces

  • Weather

  • Improper training

  • Nursing home neglect

  • Footwear

  • Fraud


It should be stressed that the vast majority of these accidents can be prevented. All it takes is the ability to embrace essential safety precautions.

2. What compensation do slip and fall injury victims deserve?

Ans:  For victims of serious injuries in a Houston slip and fall accident, they may be entitled to compensation, which could cover the full extent of their damages. It is also possible to recover compensation for the following:

  • Emergency medical expenses

  • All other medical bills, including rehabilitation costs

  • Costs for needed mental health care

  • Lost wages, including loss of earning power

  • Required medication or medical devices

  • Long-term disability

  • Pain and suffering

  • Loss of life enjoyment

  • Emotional distress

  • Disfigurement

3. How long do I have to file a slip and fall claim?

Ans:   According to the statute of limitations in the state of Texas, a person who has been injured in a personal injury accident has two years from the date of the accident to file a claim for damages. By waiting longer than two years from the date of your accident, you could be permanently prevented from seeking compensation for any injuries you may have suffered.

4. What are the right steps to take after a slip and fall accident?

Ans:  After suffering from a slip and fall accident, it is important to take certain steps to assure safety and seek any financial assistance. Some of these are listed as follows:

  • Seek medical assistance

  • Take photos of the place and your injuries

  • Don't speak to anyone, including the property owner

  • Don't post any details of the accident on social media

  • Reach out to a competent attorney


Our lawyers at Take That To Trial have more than two decades of experience to help you manage and fight for your slip and fall compensation claims. We have won millions for our injured clients and our records speak for themselves. You can schedule a consultation with our attorneys for free. We will listen to you and help you make informed decisions. We are dedicated to delivering top results.

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